2008The Sistine Chapel - The Creation of Man 100 euro24.06.2008960
2009The Sistine Chapel - The Banishment from the Garden of Eden 100 euro15.06.2009998
2010The Sistine Chapel - Le Jugement Universel100 euro15.06.20101,100
2011The Stanze of Raphael - The Room of Heliodorus100 euro04.06.20111,100
2012The Madonna of Foligno 100 euro12.06.2012999
2013The Sistine Madonna100 euro10.09.2013999
2014The Evangelists: Saint Mark100 euro10.06.2014999
2015The Evangelists: Matthew100 euro05.07.2015
2016The Evangelists: Saint Luke100 euro02.06.20161,750
2017The Evangelists: Saint John100 euro?799
2018Apostolic Constitutions of Vatican II: Sacrosanctum Concilium100 euro?799
2019The Apostolic Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council100 euro01.05.2019799
2020The Apostolic Constitutions of the 2nd Vatican Council: Dei Verbum100 euro01.06.20201,750
2021Apostolic Constitutions of the second Vatican Council: Gaudium et Spes100 euro?799
2022Declarations of the Second Vatican Council - Gravissimum Educationis100 euro?799
2023Statements of the Second Vatican Council - Nostra Aetate100 euro?799