5 euro – Laudato Si

Series: Vatican City – Silver 5 euro coins

The Vatican Mint is dedicating a special issue to the great encyclical letter “Laudato Si’” to mark seven years since its promulgation and its call for conversion to a lifestyle that shows respect for the care for creation. The coin draws inspiration from the work “Anima Mundi” by Chinese artist Si Qiuli, who in a wonderful way offers his interpretation of the universal meaning of harmony whose dimension encompasses the whole of creation and opens up the hope for building a future for all of humanity. Alongside the view of this communion of details - ‘Anima Mundi’ - the coin includes the idea of communion between generations by featuring the first words of the Canticle of the Creatures, ‘Altissimu, omnipotente, bon Signore’, as written in the earliest draft of the Franciscan work. The idea of a healthy and harmonious universe, suggested by Si Qiuli, is also evoked by engraver Loredana Pancotto through the circular crown embracing the papal coat of arms on the obverse of the coin.