10 pences – Z - Zebra Crossing

Series: United Kingdom – Quintessentially British A-Z Ten Pences

With Britain’s highways and byways we won’t be slowed. Assisted by the zebra when crossing the road!

Not to be confused with a pelican crossing, the zebra crossing’s most distinguishing feature is its alternating black and white stripes on the road that resemble the coat of a zebra, hence the name zebra crossing.

Introduced in 1949, by James Callaghan, the then parliamentary security to the minister of transport, came up with the name ‘zebra’ as he believed it would be easily understood and remembered.

Zebra crossings don’t always get the credit they deserve but one has stood out in history as possibly the most famous zebra crossing in the world. We are of course talking about the one that adorned The Beatles Abbey Road album cover, possibly one of the most iconic album covers in history.