10 levs – Nestinarstvo

From 17 May 2021 the Bulgarian National Bank will release into circulation a silver commemorative coin ‘Nestinarstvo’ of the ‘Bulgarian Customs and Traditions’ series. The coin will be sold for BGN 96 (ninety six levs). It can be purchased at the Bulgarian National Bank (2 teller desks at 1, Knyaz Alexander I Sq., and 4 teller desks at the BNB Cash Center, 10, Mihail Tenev St.), and in offices and branches of DSK Bank AD, First Investment Bank AD, Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD, and Texim Bank AD. From 17 May through 19 May 2021, each client (a natural person or legal entity) can buy up to 2 coins at the Bulgarian National Bank, and after that period ‘Nestinarstvo’ coin will be sold without any restrictions. The reverse of the coin features: images of three women Nestinari (one of them carrying an icon) dancing on smoldering embers; the inscription 'БЪЛГАРСКИ ТРАДИЦИИ И ОБИЧАИ' (Bulgarian customs and traditions) within a semicircle at the top, and 'НЕСТИНАРСТВО' (Nestinarstvo) at the bottom.