50 euro - Mickey and friends

After Scrooge McDuck and his family in 2017, Mickey and his friends are honoured on this collector coin series. Mickey is the most famous character of the Disney family . Created in 1928, he is quickly joined by his new friends : Minnie, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Pluto and Goofy.
The obverse of this gold coin shows Donald and Daisy.
In the background, a frame, creates the illusion that Donald and Daisy are poping out a painting.
The reverse of this coin presents Mickey face. Mischievous and happy, Mickey is winking. Mickey’s head is mirror polished to be emphasized.
The background represents Disney’s universe with a pattern of stars and mickey’s mouse heads.
The 50€ face value is inscribed in Mickey’s left ear e, the year date is presented in the right ear.